Guy and I are gradually adjusting to our other life, here at home. All the animals are great and the garden is incredible. The tomato plants survived the 30 degree cold snap and are thigh high. We have about a billion strawberries and the beans and peas will be ready any day. Everything looks great. GIANT thank you to all our friends who looked after our home while we were away.
I actually drove to the grocery store last night. Luckily the truck was last in the driveway — it is old and slow. I will have to build up to the 5 speed stick shift car. Many, many things are weird or fast or incongruous after living on a bicycle for three weeks.
We have many more photos to share. This one is a nearly complete panorama from Holmes County Road 6. This is the road route between Killbuck and Danville. I hope you get a feel for the wide open, on the ridge top, giant rolling hills and perfection. Everywhere you look is scenic.
The photo on the left is looking behind at the hill we just climbed, then then view across the road and the next set of hills up ahead.