Honored to Escort the 2013 Honor Ride Ohio

Back in June when we were still on our 2013 Ohio to Erie Trail tour we received an e-mail from Todd Reigle. He had just purchased the IGotaBike Ohio to Erie Trail Guide in preparation for the 2013 Honor Ride Ohio. Todd was very happy to have the Trail Guide as he was pretty swamped in the details and logistics of the ride.
In 2012 Todd founded Honor Ride Ohio to raise funds to support veterans. This year he and five military members were riding the Ohio to Erie Trail with a goal to raise $30,000. Of course Guy and I were very enthused by the project and stayed in touch with Todd answering questions and providing detailed descriptions of the route. They planned to ride the 300+ miles in four days riding north to south beginning on July 4th in Cleveland.
We made it a point to be available to escort them from downtown Cleveland to the trailhead at Harvard Road. It was a humbling experience and we were moved by the dedication of these people and their families. We were escorting the Honor Ride but we felt like we were the ones who experienced honor. It was a privilege to ride with them. And it was fun! When we arrived at the trailhead we kept riding and ended up tagging along to Rockside Road where we reluctantly turned back. It was a terrific way to celebrate Independence Day.
The riders,  Matt Miller (USMC), Adriene Corna (Ohio National Guard), Mick Karp (Army), Aaron Strange (Army) and Lt. Colonel Matt Leach (Army) and Todd Reigle arrived in Cincinnati as planned on July 7th. They had a lot of rain but enjoyed the trails anyway.

To make a donation click here. 100 per cent of all donations benefit Veteran’s organizations.

Read news articles about their ride here.


Sunbury News

Honor Ride Ohio has a Facebook Page

2013 Honor Ride Ohio cyclist preparing to depart on a 300+ mile adventure The Ohio to Erie Trail on July 4th.

Family members gathered to send off the veterans with well wishes and sing along with a trumpeter playing God Bless America.

Honor Ride Ohio 2013

Honor Ride Ohio crossing the new bikeway on the Hope Memorial Bridge.

The veterans were looking good and ready to ride on day 1 of their 4 day, 300+ mile, fundraising tour on The Ohio To Erie Trail.




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