Columbus Repairs!

Hello World!
We are now in Columbus. It’s been a long and twisted tale;
We stayed at the Alexandra B&B last night. We had dinner at Rothwells. We met some people there that were mutual friends of Mike at London Peddler (is there anybody that he doesn’t know?). So we meet Chris Stewart. Said he’s got an suv and he works in Columbus and he’ll take us in the morning! What a guy! Thanks a ton, Chris!!! Thank God for the Marines!

So now, Carol’s bike is in the trusted and capable hands of Dave at Baer Wheels. He is completely rebuilding it with More Beef!


So now, we will have a half a day left to ride. We will be shooting for Sunbury.
Carol is pointing it out :-)

How’s that Tim?

Oh, by the way… We were interviewed by another newspaper yesterday, The Madison Messenger, reporter Kristy Zurbrick. It was right when Carol’s wheel blew up!


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  1. Pingback: 1000+ miles. Time for some bicycle maintenance | IGotABike

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