
The Broadway Cyclery Mike runs the most awesome LBS in the Cleveland area. Specializes in touring- how cool is that?! It’s where Carol bought her Jamis and I had my 520 tweaked,

More good friends of ours, Century Cycles. These guys have helped us out of many a jam. We also bought our road bikes from them too. We usually hit up the gang in Rocky River.

The Ohio to Erie Trail Organization.

Friends of Madison County and friends of ours!

The Bike and Hike Trail in Cuyahoga County.

The Little Miami Scenic Trail

Terry Bicycles Fantastic Woman’s online bicycle shop. Bikes and apparel. Carol got great stuff she couldn’t find anywhere else, and really awesome service over the phone too!

Good maps here and lots of info here. Be aware, some info may be out of date:

Cool list of bike blogs found here Network

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